State Coastal Conservancy Grant Pond Projects
Upland Habitat Restoration
Primary RCD
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Lead Implementer
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
California State Coastal Conservancy, Private party, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Other Organizations
Alameda County Resource Conservation District, East Bay Regional Park District, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Project Primary Contact
Ian Howell (
Project Stage
2015 - 2017
Watershed Restoration
Upland Habitat Restoration
Livestock ponds supply water for cattle while providing important habitat for protected species like the CRLF and CTS. The Wildlife-Friendly Ponds initiative helped ranchers restore pond habitat, increased water availability for cattle and improved downstream water quality. These goals were accomplished through pond restoration, including de-sedimentation, embankment and spillway repair, fencing and turtle rafts. The initiative streamlines regulatory hurdles and provided a cost-sharing to EQIP-eligible ranchers. The initiative restored 11 ponds on public and private land (two of the ponds were primarily developed under ACRCD’s Rangeland Resilience Project and are quantified in that project.)
Key Accomplishments
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (ft.): 6,118.00 lf
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (no.): 4
- Habitat Restoration/Creation: 3.74 acres
- Special Status Amphibian Species Habitat: 7.48 acres
Project Themes
- Climate Change
- Wildlife/Endangered Species
- Healthy Watersheds
- Local Farms
7. Embankment with blow out
Credit: ACRCD
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $589,343.99
EQIP (NRCS): $231,655
USDA NRCS Field Office Staff ... (NRCS): $10,500
Landowner Cost Share (Private): $171,007
Climate Ready Program (SCC): $1,182
Prop 1 (SCC): $175,000
3. Pond with vegetation causing it to dry out early (Timing: Before)
Credit: ACRCD
1. Eroded gully (Timing: Before)
Credit: ACRCD
4. Pond post-sediment and vegetation removal still has water later in the dry season (Timing: After)
Credit: ACRCD
2. Gully lined with rocks to reduce erosion (Timing: After)
Credit: ACRCD
Project last updated 4/10/2023