Thomas Creek Ranch Off-Channel Winter Refugia Habitat Enhancement Project
In-stream Habitat Restoration
Primary RCD
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
Lead Implementer
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
California Department of Fish & Wildlife, California State Coastal Conservancy, NOAA Restoration Center, Point Blue Conservation Science, Sonoma County Water Agency
Project Primary Contact
Sierra Cantor (
Project Stage
2014 - 2015
Watershed Restoration
In-stream Habitat Restoration
This project was designed to enhance winter habitat on lower Green Valley Creek to provide winter rearing and refugia habitat for juvenile salmonids. A side channel and tributary-confluence alcove complex was constructed to provide a low velocity environment with considerable fixed shelter elements and dense vegetative understory cover. The project consisted of three features: Construction of the 220’ long side channel; construction of the wetland complex adjacent to the constructed channel; and the realignment of the lower 110 feet of Thomas Creek to deepen and widen it to create a backwater alcove, with large wood habitat structures throughout the project.
Key Accomplishments
- Habitat Restoration/Creation: 0.20 acres
- Special Status Fish Species Habitat: 500.00 lf
- Stream Corridor Restored: 500.00 lf
Project Themes
- Wildlife/Endangered Species
- Healthy Watersheds
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $553,800.00
No additional photos provided
Project last updated 6/19/2018