Special Status Mammal Species Habitat
Special Status Mammal Species Habitat
Acre (acres)
Habitat enhanced, restored, created for federal or state listed species.
Related Resource Area Association
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Expected Performance Measure Results per Project
Reported Performance Measure Results per Project
Additional Information
Reporting Guidance
Critical Definitions
Project Reporting Instructions
Name |
Action Performed |
Created, Enhanced, Restored
Focal Species |
Sierra Nevada red fox, San Miguel Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, Point Arena mountain beaver, gray wolf, Morro Bay kangaroo rat, giant kangaroo rat, San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Fresno kangaroo rat, Tipton kangaroo rat, Stephens' kangaroo rat, lesser long-nosed bat, Amargosa vole, riparian (=San Joaquin Valley) woodrat
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Peninsular bighorn sheep DPS, Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, Pacific pocket mouse, salt-marsh harvest mouse, Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew, riparian brush rabbit, San Joaquin kit fox, Nelson's antelope squirrel, Humboldt marten, island fox, San Clemente Island fox, San Nicolas Island fox, Mohave ground squirrel, California wolverine, fisher - West Coast DPS, Guadalupe fur-seal, southern sea otter, Santa Catalina Island fox
Listing Status |
Federal Candidate/State Threatened, State Threatened, Federally Endangered, Federally Endangered/State Endangered, Federally Endangered/State Threatened, Federally Threatened/State Threatened, State Endangered, State Candidate Threatened, State Candidate Endangered, Federally Threatened
Targets by Geospatial Area
The following Geospatial Areas have or should have Projects that contribute results for this Performance Measure. If a Geospatial Area has a Target value it is displayed below.