Calhoun Ranch Carbon Farm Plan
Carbon Farm Planning & Implementation
Primary RCD
Alameda County Resource Conservation District
Lead Implementer
Alameda County Resource Conservation District
California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Department of Water Resources, Private party, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wildlife Conservation Board
Other Organizations
California Conservation Corps, Carbon Cycle Institute, Point Blue Conservation Science
Project Primary Contact
Ian Howell (
Project Stage
2019 - 2030
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Carbon Farm Planning & Implementation
The Calhoun Ranch is a 110-acre property in Livermore, Alameda County, which has been family-owned and managed with cattle grazing since the 1950s. This Carbon Farm Plan accompanies and expands upon an existing Conservation Plan that was developed for the ranch in 2019 after the landowners expressed interest in identifying carbon beneficial practices to enhance soil health, increase carbon sequestration, and reduce greenhouse gas emission on the property. The plan assesses the current state of resources on the oak woodland property in order to increase the working capacity, sequester carbon, and provide habitat for sensitive species.
Key Accomplishments
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (ac.): 113.60 acres
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (ft.): 8,327.00 lf
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (no.): 5
Project Themes
- Climate Change
- Wildlife/Endangered Species
- Healthy Watersheds
- Local Farms
Compost Application in Action
Credit: Ian Howell
This Project’s location has been marked private.
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $83,580.24
EQIP (NRCS): $64,916
Landowner Cost Share (Private): $4,965
Monarch Butterfly and Pollina... (WCB): $3,350
California Healthy Soils Init... (CDFA): $3,309
Water Use Efficiency Program (DWR): $7,040
Compost Delivery Before Application (Timing: During)
Credit: Ian Howell
Compost Application Area (Timing: After)
Credit: Owen Sowerwine
Protected Milkweed Planting for Monarchs (Timing: After)
Credit: Owen Sowerwine
Project last updated 2/8/2023